Red-breasted Merganser

Red-breasted Merganser


On two days of each week, we replace our normal machine-based indoor morning exercises with an extended walk on the beach.  This past week we used this as an opportunity to photograph the water birds which, at this time of the year, flock to the shores of Long Island Sound.  On Monday I photographed three sea birds with which I was not familiar.  These were in addition to the usual loons, mallards, Canada geese and various types of sea gulls which we commonly see.  So far I have only been able to positively identify one of them, the red-breasted merganser, a picture of which is shown above.  Pictures of the other two species are below.






I have not as yet identified the rather nondescript bird with the red eyes appearing in the first of the three pictures above.  It may simply be an immature loon.  The second picture shows small mostly black ducks with white eye patches and some white under the wings.  In the last photo one sees, presumably, another one of them, perhaps a male, exhibiting a white patch on its head.  I was unable to find such a bird in the bird book I have.  All pictures were taken by a Canon EOS 7D camera with an EF 70-300 mm 4-5.6 L IS lens.

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